Monday, October 20, 2008


Apparently our amazingly awesome photo intimdated a few folks. Not as many entries as I was hoping for.

By the way, is that not totally a young John Tesh in the photo?

Isaac S. wrote the highlighted entry for this week. I could appreciate his story because his "awesome story" had a bit of uppercrust to it. It was a different spin than most of the other stories and I could appreciate that.

By: Isaac S.

In an attempt to show his republican friends just how awesome diversity can be, Brad organized the first ever “international and minority students against big government” picnic.
“Sure you can lure in those types by offering something for free,” scoffed Brad’s frat brother Graham, “but try asking them to a potluck event and see who shows.”
Brad didn’t listen to Graham’s cynicism. He knew on campus there had to be more people than just his clique who wanted economic deregulation, low taxes, and babies to live. He wanted to help maintain individual freedom, he didn’t care who brought the drinks and desserts. And besides, the Asian chick is hot.

Gimme some more...


John Arns said...

i got a vivid image of 'roundhouse' that Brad's character had in store for 'Bro' at the last two sentences.

random blogger said...

thanks Linda Gail A. for reminding me to actually look at the pic. lately the pics have been a distraction. you've help me remember that what i'm writing needs to reflect what i see....and then go from there about the other things, like setting, action, and emotions. great job this week!