Monday, August 18, 2008


We're off and running. Thanks to everyone who submitted. The current plan is each Monday we'll feature new stories here on this blog and immediately send out the next photo via email. If you didn't receive that email and want to join this experiment, drop us a line:

The two feature stories show great contrast in style and content. Hope you enjoy. Looking forward to what you send in this week.

Run for the Gold
by Mark H.

Although Elmer Ploddin and Merle Swampy were the Cinderella Team of the 29th Olympiad, their hopes for Olympic gold were dashed in the finals of the Synchronized Beach Traffic Directing competition. Ploddin and Swampy had forged their partnership in the crucible of rush hour traffic in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky.

Former Olympic gold medalist Armsa Wavin dissected Ploddin and Swampy’s performance. “As you can see, Swampy landed in the surf with both feet for an immediate five tenths deduction,” said Wavin. “You can step on the line between surf and turf, but the water is out of bounds.”

It was a sad day for the fans in Rabbit Hash.

By Jennie O.

Swirling, Dark, and Cold
the depths were unknown
Yet she dove deeper

Blackness, Waves of isolation
pressure stole her breathe
Uncomprehending she questioned,
explored,searched and dove deeper

Darkness reigned.
Pressure Rose.
Everchanging tides stilled in the deep.

Reaching out she felt no limits to these depths.
Weightlessness. Her chest swelled.
Tears of exhaustion mingled with the sea.
The Red tide abated.

Rhythmic beating of the waves, warmth, light,
Sound emerged as she surfaced.
She was beckoned "Come come Forgiveness is the LAW of the land!"

1 comment:

Christopher Day said...

Okay, so I turned my submission in half an hour past deadline. I can't even get an honorable mention? Nothing?? Hello??? (crickets)